Below are links to articles from various nationally-recognized publications that address a wide range of Life & Estate Planning topics. Being that they are geared towards a national audience, they tend to be more "general" in nature. However, they do serve to spotlight several important planning considerations. If you have any questions about your specific situation, please feel free to call us at (914) 686-7272 to arrange a consultation.
Does Your Estate Plan Call for More Than Just a Will?
So, You Have an Estate Plan - Now What?
Most Seniors in America Can't Afford Nursing Homes or Assisted Living, Study Finds
When Medicare Won't Pay for Nursing Home Care
When to Apply for Medicaid for a Loved One
Can an Irrevocable Trust Protect Your Assets from Medicaid?
Should You Give Your House Away?
Caring for Your Aging Parents: How to Prepare
Joint Ownership: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
​How to Keep Your Heirs from Blowing Their Inheritance